WASHINGTON, D.C. – Mr. Patrick Davis, an energy policy veteran with 35 years of energy related experience, joined the ranks of SMI in early June as a member of the energy team and Vice President. Davis’ extensive background in vehicle technologies as well as his specific experience in advanced battery technologies within the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) will provide invaluable expertise and insight to SMI clients.

“I had been in government for 35 years, and I enjoyed it, but I wanted an opportunity to do something different. There are not that many opportunities in your career where you can really change what you’re doing without taking a big step backward,” said Davis about his arrival to SMI. “I liked the fact that SMI works on a breadth of technologies. It’s not just one thing; it’s multiple companies, multiple technologies, and we are helping those companies in a space that I know a lot about,” he added.

Davis comes from a chemical engineering background and has always been interested in energy, efficiency, and sustainable systems. During his time studying at the University of Maryland, he began working at the Naval Research Lab through the University’s engineering co-op program and continued to work for the Navy after he graduated in 1983. He spent the next eleven years focusing on battery technology, safety, testing and development at the Naval Surface Warfare Center.

Davis began his career at the DOE in 1994 as the DOE was implementing a major Electric Vehicle Initiative and was developing battery technology to support it. Davis is an internationally recognized expert on vehicle technologies and during the 21 years he worked at the DOE, he held various research and development leadership positions in batteries, combustion, fuel cell technology, hydrogen production, codes & standards, and biofuels.

From 2008 to 2015 Davis was the Director of the Vehicle Technologies Office (VTO) within the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. In this capacity, Davis led $280 million in annual research funding for electric vehicle drivetrains, advanced batteries, lightweight materials, advanced combustion and fuels, vehicle systems integration, and Clean Cities deployment activities. In addition, Davis led the execution of $2.8 billion in vehicle-related Recovery Act projects. As VTO Director, Davis was also responsible for two major government and private industry partnerships: the U.S. DRIVE Partnership and the 21st Century Truck Partnership. He is most proud of his role supporting major DOE accomplishments – including the SuperTruck program, the buildout of battery & electric drive manufacturing facilities under the Recovery Act, and the dramatic cost-reduction in lithium-ion battery technology.

When Davis is not dealing with work-related matters, he enjoys golfing and spending time with his wife and daughter, Maureen and Kelly. Davis played trombone in a Washington-area variety band, performing at local events and private functions for over 30 years. Davis also enjoys travel and is looking forward to a 30-year wedding anniversary trip with Maureen next year to Italy.

SMI is excited to have Davis as a team member and looks forward to the months to come.

Founded in 1993, Strategic Marketing Innovations (SMI) has been the premier choice in Washington for companies, universities, nonprofits, and industry associations seeking enhanced strategies for technology development and enterprise growth. Representing over seventy clients nationwide, SMI combines both lobbying and government affairs support with technical consulting services.