Alex Charow


Alex Charow, Associate, is a former Senate leadership staffer with an insider’s knowledge of the legislative process.

Prior to joining SMI, Alex spent four years as a seminarian for the Archdiocese of Boston. Before he began his studies, Alex served as a staff member in the leadership offices of Sen. John Thune (R-SD).

Serving first as Floor Monitor at the Senate Republican Conference, Alex led the Republican Conference’s Senate-wide staff engagement on the Senate’s pending business. He then served as the Floor Assistant in Sen. Thune’s Majority Whip Office, where he assisted the whip team in numerous ways, including researching legislation and drafting policy memos and the daily “Whip Notice” for Senate Republican offices.

Alex holds a B.Phil. from Saint John’s Seminary in Boston, Massachusetts, and a B.A. in Politics with a concentration in American Government from the Catholic University of America.

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