Nicholas Vance

Nicholas Vance, Director, provides his clients with unparalleled insight into the appropriations process.

Prior to joining SMI, Nicholas served as a Professional Staff Member on the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee for four years. He led oversight of investment funding for the Department of the Air Force and managed funding for the Air Force and the Navy while on the minority staff.

Before his role on the Defense Subcommittee, Nicholas served as Legislative Director to Rep. John Rutherford, handling national security, foreign affairs, financial services, and veterans’ affairs portfolios. He also worked on immigration and agriculture issues for Rep. Kay Granger, Chairwoman of the House Appropriations Committee.

Nicholas also worked in the executive branch as a contractor supporting the Air Force Budget and Appropriations Liaison Office, offering insights into the appropriations process, and preparing Air Force leaders for engagements with Congress.

A native of Texas, Nicholas holds a B.A. in Political Science from Vanderbilt University, and an M.A. in Defense and Strategic Studies from the Naval War College.

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