Robert ‘Bob’ Hamlen, Ph.D.

Chief of the Power Division at the U.S. Army's CERDEC
Dr. Robert 'Bob' Hamlen brings over 50 years of expertise in the fields of batteries and fuel cells.

He retired from his position as the Chief of the Power Division at the U.S. Army's Communications-Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Center. Previously, Dr. Hamlen was the Founder and First President of Alupower, Inc. which focused on developing aluminum-based fuel cells for electronics. Prior to that, he was the Manager of Exxon Enterprises Battery Division, which under his leadership introduced the first rechargeable Li-TiS2 battery in 1978. Additionally, he was the Manager of the Electrochemistry Branch at GE R&D Center.

Dr. Hamlen received a B.S. in Chemistry from Lafayette College, his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from Johns Hopkins University, and completed the Advanced Management Program at the Harvard Business School. He was awarded the U.S. Army Medal for Meritorious Civilian Service in 2004.

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